Friday, December 13, 2013

newest creations

Hi there old friends and new! I recently dropped off some bows and business cards to Sips Coffee Shop in Rochester, NY so I may have a little more traffic on the old blog. 

I hope you are all doing well. I hope you have more Christmas shopping done than I do. I am such a procrastinator, it's not even funny. I also happen to have a husband who is impossible to shop for. ugg. i digress. 

So here are the pretties I have been working on recently. One of my dear friends asked me to make something froggy....
cutie pies, right? 

And then I had these fun flower buttons I was dying to use so I made these clippies that are so bright, fun and happy and they remind me of my sassy little niece...

the darcy clippies. they make me happy :) 

As always, email me or comment below for any orders or questions.
Happy holiday preparedness time!


I had a friend growing up that would always say, "it's 11:11, make a wish!" The rules were you would close your eyes, make a w...