Tuesday, December 28, 2010

*some more bow love!*

i am l.o.v.e.ing this blueberry colored ribbon!
all little clippies are 2- a pair
buy 2 pairs, get the third pair for a buck!
scroll down for the color selection :)

 jungle girl flutter bows

 mocha polka dot flutter bows
with light pink & silver trim ribbon

flutter bows
you pick your fave! 2.50- a pair

*birds on a wire/blush trim
*chocolate dots/light lavender & silver trim
*jungle girl/brown & pink trim
*black & white daisy/lime trim
*sky blue & terracotta rings/lime trim
*pink princess/brown with pink dots

pretty loopy bows

*thank you for taking a nice long nap, fin.. got some fun new bows done :)

double layer loopy bow with lavender rose cluster detail

little loopy bows with white button detail
3- each

Sunday, December 26, 2010

black & white daisy bowsters

black & white daisy ribbon with raspberry & silver trim
3- for the pair 

Happy Holidays Everyone!!

i hope everybody had a lovely holiday... we sure did.  lots of yummy food, wine and laughs.  i finally got back to making bows tonight and i'm loving these new ones :)

jungle girl bow
Super-sassy for your little diva!
with fuschia dahlia detail..
2.50 or any of the bigger bows 2 for 4-

soccer chickie clips
 and the back-side...
for your little sporty chica

Thursday, December 16, 2010

*Check out my shop on Etsy!!*

Check it out!! Now no matter where you live, you can chic-ify your buglets :)
and i am loving these "you pick" clippies:
2- a pair
Buy two pairs, get the third for a buck!!

left side (top to bottom)
-raspberry/silver dots
-robin's egg/lime
-robin's egg/ lime mini bow
-chocolate/baby pink
-bubblegum dots

right side (top to bottom)
-chocolate with pink dots
-tangerine/raspberry mini bow
-baby pink
-bubblegum dots 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

silver sripes with robin's egg blue trim


i heart dogs big bow

2.50 or 2 for 4.00

purple garden girl clips

top view..

side view..
2.50 each or 2 for 4.00

little birds on a wire

2.50 each or 2 for 4.00
with pretty fuschia rose cluster detail

*Sips coffee and cafe!*

chic little bug bows/clippies are now being sold at Sips!  Stop on down and have a panini and yummy latte.  Nobody makes lattes like Sips, I know b/c I'm a total latte snob :) 

Thanks again to all my lovely friends! 

Have a very squinty-faced night!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

alexia's little lady penguin twins

So i was busy busy filling a few orders tonight but i had to post a picture of these guys...
guess which one is the crazy penguin, hahaha gotta love those googly eyes, they have a mind of their own :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

*holiday jewelry/hair bow/photography party!*

What a crazy fun day today!  chic little bug's first showing at a craft event!  And we just about sold out :)  Thanks everybody who was there especially Ryan, my sissy-in-law and party host! 

my little ones...
the bigger ones..
the whole enchilada..

and the crazy happy customers couldn't wait to give them to their own little bugs and had to model them :)

Ro in her strawberry bow
Kel liked the strawberries too..
and the jewelry queen, Emily, rocking the hotpink snowflake!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

sassy little clippies for sweet little ones

hi!  i'm meg, i have recently started making little clips/bows for my daughter andhave gotten addicted to it. so i thought id start making them for all the busy mamas out there. they are made with love in a smoke free home.  message me with your questions or order and we will figure out a convenient delivery/ pickup date and time!

hot pink with crazy dots


white strawberry/blush with white dots


chocolate with blush trim

my favorite color- goes with everything!

blush with white dots

perfect for a sweet little newborn baby girl!

robin's egg blue *snowman*

only 1 pair left

white *dear santa*

(mirrored so they will both be right-side-up if put in pigtails)
only 1 pair left

white with pretty pink paisley

(for one larger bow)
Here's a shot of the back side..

sky blue with terracotta and white flower rings

(for one larger bow)


I had a friend growing up that would always say, "it's 11:11, make a wish!" The rules were you would close your eyes, make a w...