Tuesday, November 26, 2013

*holiday hair clips*

Some fabulous friends have asked if I was making any hair bows or clippies to sell at this time of year. And my favorite local coffee shop, Sips, needs another order as well. So today, after my lovely mother-in-law picked up daughter #1 and daughter #2 was down for a nap, I busted out my trusty glue gun and got down to business. I thought I'd post some pics!

pink & purple set 5-

stripey numbers set 5-

pink ladies 3-

little birds 3-

pair of daisies 3- each

christmas tree 3-

snowy white clips 3-

holiday set 5-

Whattya think? Cutie pies, right? I need to make a quick trip to the craft store and get some more ribbon so this is just the stash I had on hand. 

If you'd like to scoop up some of these clippies or have some custom ones made, comment below or email me at chiclittlebug@gmail.com.


I had a friend growing up that would always say, "it's 11:11, make a wish!" The rules were you would close your eyes, make a w...