So i was reading a fellow WAHM's blog and came accross her what i wore wednesday?' challenge. She took a pic of herself everyday for a week to post them and see what her everyday style is. Love it. I find it fascinating to see what other moms are wearing around the house/running errands/doing it all. So, today I snapped a pic (don't you hate those creepy bathroom mirror pics hahaha) and this is what I was in: WED.
dark gray and light gray tank tops-old navy
blue pullover sweater (that i cut into a cardigan!)-old navy
necklace-lia sophia, feaux diamond stud earrings-kohls
dark wash, bootcut jeans-TJ Maxx
belt (bought it in high school!)-American Eagle
funky purple argyle ankle socks-Target
black winter crocs (i know i know)
see my face. i'm a model lol.
Not an exciting day, clothes-wise. busy morning,
gray and white striped shirt-Old Navy
same jeans, eek!
red heart necklace- H&M
my fave diamond stud earrings again.
hmmmm... snorefest. I guess putting my hair in what my sister lovingly calls the "snooky poof" (i call it "the i'm growing my bangs out, kate, leave me alone") didn't sass it up like i thought it would.
ok, to be honest, i forgot/got sidetracked and missed a few days. So here is me a few days later..
white longsleeve: old navy
gray short sleeved sweater: marshalls (love this esp. on fatty days)
skinny jeans: charlotte russe
necklace: hand made pendant from The Purple Box Jewelry
and the hair is up again, braided in front (yay for growing out the bangs)
ok after this, i completely forgot to take pics. but i totally get the point that although i have a bajillion things in my closet, i wear the same couple outfits all the time. i guess it's my mom uniform-and it is mostly gray, white, and navy with colorful add-ons here and there. It would really be nice to get a few new pieces in some different colors to mix it up a bit. or at least clean out my closet and get rid of the stuff gathering dust! Another realization, i need to wear my hair down more. it always seems to make it's way into a messy bun :)
Take the challenge. muahahahahhaahha