i am just getting WAY too excited for spring. we had an unfortunate doggy illness the other night (someone please tell me how our little terrier got the flu!?) skipping the yucky details we had to do a midnight cleanup and open the windows to waft out the funk. something about hearing the wind through the trees and all those relaxing sounds that you start to miss over the winter- and i slept like a baby. there is nothing that compares to that weather where the heat is off and the windows are open and it's just comfortable. counting. down. the. days.
so needless to say, i have been getting the "i've been cooped up in my house all winter and i've got to change things up" bug. you know, that one. i've had this poster i got from our local art museum on our family room wall for-EVER and although i love you, georgia o'keefe, i no longer want you hanging over our couch. so i popped over to pier one imports and got this piece i have been eying for a hot minute. i know some people think that wrought-iron inspired pieces are boring but i love them. i like that they don't break up the wall too much like a big painting/canvas/poster does. and this particular one is kinda free-flowing and delicate. we have really pretty windows with little shutters in the top corners of that wall that get a lot more attention now. so, in short. i love it. and drum roll please...... it was 20 flipping bucks. here it is:
now, i know that probably looks a little bare to some but i love me a bright & simple house.
here is the offending culprit. we'll have to retire her to the office.
i'll have to dig up a before pic. things were so dark and bulky. my new goal is to brighten things up and pick things that i LOVE so my house will be happy and as oprah says, "will rise up to meet me".
song of the day, something quirky and fun:
anyone else but you by the moldy peaches :)