Hello friends!
I have been a busy little witch on my quest to better understand the world of Tarot. I have learned a ton and cannot wait to share some insights with ya'll. So let's start from the top.
I made a promise to myself to try to engage in a tarot activity every day. Either a quick and easy card of the day, a three card spread, or maybe something more, depending on how much time I have. I try to wake up early before the rest of the house starts moving. This time of day feels so quiet and therapeutic for me. I make a cup of coffee and sit and soak up the beautiful energy of the morning. If the weather is nice I sit outside at my back patio and listen to the birds and nature sounds to help get centered. Once I feel ready, I pick a spread. This can take some time and thought. A few examples of my favorite spreads are....
1 card spread:
- card of the day
- today's theme
3 card spreads:
- past/present/future
- mind/body/spirit
- now/later/distant future
- you/them/us
- stop/ start/continue
- you/what greets you today/outcome
I hold my cards for a bit and close my eyes, relax and envision the spread/questions I am asking. Then I shuffle. There are a few different methods of shuffling. I use whatever feels right. I kind of think of it as going on auto-pilot. I just do whatever my hands feel like doing. Then I cut the deck and choose from the top of the deck. As you flip the cards be sure to take notice of cards that are upright and cards that are reversed. This has a special meaning. Then, I sit and study the cards. What do I see in the pictures? What feelings are conveyed? How do the cards relate to each other? They oftentimes tell a story..
Here is an example of cards working together to tell a story. Say you pull these guys:

In the 7 of swords you see a guy (flamboyantly lol) stealing a bunch of swords. You can see in the background, that there is a camp or people/soldiers and he is sort of tip toeing away with an armload checking to see if anyone notices. So, this card represents being sneaky or acting in a way that isn't really forthright and honest. Then the judgment card is this angel/godlike character blowing the freakin'.... I don't know..... karma horn. It basically depicts the final judgement, where things land on the right and wrong spectrum. So, put them together and it gives a message like, if you try to get away with something sneaky right now, you will get caught. Or possibly, someone in your life is doing something wrong; will you call them on it? Something to that affect.
So it's been quite a while that I've been practicing with the tarot and I'm really just scratching the surface. I love that I'm beginning to get an immediate response/feeling when I turn a card over. I find it so exciting to read for others. I tend to get the same cards over and over for myself. I'll leave you with one of my favorite tarot memes...
So, who else here reads tarot?! Comment below with your favorite spreads. I love learning new ones <3