Thursday, January 2, 2014

DIY Baby Doll Sleeping Bag

DIY Baby Doll Sleeping Bag

This DIY project is super EASY and FREE! It's something fun to do on a snowy day in with the kiddos.

Here is the pair of old pajama pants I wanted to use for something. Look at the cute moose.. mooses. the plural of moose is moose right? 

Find some babies that need sleeping bags. These are two of our favorites. Line em up on the legs to see how long you need the "bag" to be. And chop.

Cut this kind of shape. I'm aiming to have a sleeping bag part to tuck baby into and a pillow part at the top. Hem all edges if you are fancy. I didn't because I was planning on rolling the top part and sewing it closed. 

 Flip inside out and sew bottom closed. Turn right side out. Here is where I forgot to take pics of the stuffing so I will explain. Fold edges of top flap in as if you were hemming it. Toss some fluff or extra fabric scraps into pillow part to make it squishy and pillowy. Roll about 2 times and sew closed. 

Insert baby. Pat yourself on the back. 

That baby looks mad cozy.

The verdict: the girls friggin loved it! I think they are fascinated with anything that passes through the sewing machine. I ran out of time and only made one and they fought over it like crazy. So... success? So, if you have two little ones, then you better make two sleeping bags. 

DIY Refashioned sweater throw pillow

I love to sew but I seem to pick projects that are a little too advanced for my meager sewing skills. I am also the kind of gal that wants to do a project and be done. I have very little patience for all-day projects that take too much time and attention. Here is an EASY sewing project I did from things I had laying around. 

Old Sweater into New Throw Pillow

So, I had this really nice thick knit sweater that I had gotten as a gift but it never fit quite right. It sat around for a while until I decided to refashion it into a cozy pillow. 

Here's said sweater. I think the thick knit will work better for that cozy look....

Here is the pillow I want to re-cover. Although you could just create a new pillow with a bag of stuffing from the craft store or from old pillows.

Now turn the sweater inside out and dress your pillow and tell her she looks pretty. 

Then chop off the arms and neckline. And try not to feel guilty about chopping up a perfectly good sweater. 

Get an idea of what kind of shape you will need to sew. This was pretty easy here because the pillow was the same size as the body of the sweater. 

Now slip out the pillow and pin it like crazy to keep the shape you need to sew. (I pinned the front opening just to keep the shape intact although I didn't plan on sewing the front opening together. I was going to use that as the opening to get the pillow in and out.) 

 Hmmmmm doesn't look very square here. But sew it as straight as you can using a zig zag stitch. My setting was #3.

Then I sewed on the button the sweater came with by hand, in retrospect I would have maybe just hot glued that sucker on. 

TADA! (ignore the dirty couch. those kids and their darn Gogurts.)

 I noticed that the opening down the center was gaping a bit too much for my liking so I hot glued it shut. What do you think?! I love her. She's so pretty and cozy looking. And she was free! 

Thanks for visiting! Happy crafting!


I had a friend growing up that would always say, "it's 11:11, make a wish!" The rules were you would close your eyes, make a w...