Wednesday, January 12, 2011


just got the order of headbands in YAY!! started covering one in pink ribbon with white trim... kinda love how it turned out!  and two little loops on either side of the top to clip any bow onto.  It was a hit with my niece-ypoo, avery!  i think her exact words were (face lights up) OOOoooOOOOoooh!!  prettyyyyyyyy! 

snowy window picture
clippie not included-any clip will slip in headband!

side view

some new bow ideas!

*what an absolutely beautiful, dreamy snowy day!! i know i sound like a kid, but i <3 the snow!!  bring it on!  there is something so exciting about an insane snowfall.  wish i could go skiing but geez, that would be far too much exercise.* 

here are some new-ish bow designs, hope you like em!!  Now, off i go to drop off a new bow order for sips coffee shop!! and grab a chai and cookie :)  

pretty butterfly

v-day hearts with red heart gem

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

happy wednesday!

Just wanted to remind everyone out of town to check out the shop on etsy! 

and if you are around the area head over to Sips Coffee Shop on Pattonwood down by the lake and check out our bows and have a yummy, steamy latte and panini.... mmmmmmmm now i'm hungry.

on that note, baby's in bed, i'm taking a nap.  it was a long and relatively sleepless night with the sick little missy. 

now to leave you with one of my fave kid-friendly videos :)

(video from

Monday, January 3, 2011

little angel flower clippies

little angel flower clippies
would look super cute on a little flower girl


I had a friend growing up that would always say, "it's 11:11, make a wish!" The rules were you would close your eyes, make a w...